Week 2: First Speaker Reveal and Tuesday Talk
We hope everyone had a successful first academic week and restful weekend. Last Tuesday, we announced our first mini online speaker event of the semester, 'Connected.' Be sure to RSVP to the event on Facebook and read on for the reveal of our first two speakers and our usual Tuesday Talk of the week.
Tuesday Talk:
How Curtis Carroll learned to read - and trade stocks - in prison.
Have you been hearing a lot about stocks within the the last week? If you are slightly confused, as we are, watch our Tuesday Talk highlighting the topic of finanical literacy. While it does not specifically relate to the current events of the stock market in the US that have been dominating the news, it sheds light on the fact that understanding finance and having a handle on your money is accessible and important for everyone. This weeks talk, "How I learned to read - and trade stocks - in prison," is by Curtis 'Wall Street' Carroll, a man who overcame poverty, illiteracy, and incarceration to become a stock investor and teacher of his finanical literacy philosophy. To him, finanical literacy isn't a skill, it is a lifestyle. As an incarcerated individual, Carroll knows the power of a dollar. While in prison, he taught himself how to read and trade stocks, and now he shares a simple, powerful message: we all need to be more savvy with our money. Watch the talk here.
Connected Speakers!
We are pleased to announce our first two speakers at TEDx Connected, Dr Fergus Neville and Charles Lovatt!
Stick around for the reveal of our next two speakers next week, and don't forget to RSVP on the Facebook event here.