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TEDx Tuesday Exam Reading Week


Welcome to the final newsletter of the term

Revision week for end of term exams is upon us and this week's Tuesday Talk may provide some helpful tips for this study season. We also have an exciting opportunity for those interested in giving their own TED Talk.

Studying, Stress and Memory

In this week's Tuesday Talk entitled, 'The surprising link between stress and memory,' educator Elizabeth Cox details the complex relationship between stress and memory. Suppose you spend weeks studying for an important test. On the big day, you wait nervously to begin. You're working your way through, when you're asked to define a word that you know you've seen before, but your mind goes blank. What just happened? This talk narrated over an explanatory animation may just help you figure it out. Watch the talk here and good luck with exams!

Welcome to my TED Talk

Have you ever dreamed of delivering your own TED Talk? Whether you've ever watched a talk and thought to yourself 'Hey, I'd like to do that,' or you know just the topic you would give it on and have rehearsed it in your head... TEDxUniversityofStAndrews has an opportunity for you. Near the end of winter break, we will be releasing applications for students to have the chance to deliver a TED-style talk at an event in February. Stay updated on our socials over the winter break and next term for the released application and more information. If this interests you, start brainstorming!

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